Quick Reference
  1. Press the Meta/Oculus button on your right controller
  2. Choose “Settings” in the toolbar
  3. Choose “Guardian”
  4. Stand in the area you want to be training. We recommend a space 6’ x 6’.
  5. Make sure to touch the controller to the ground to set the floor
  6. Select “Room Scale” as the guardian option
  7. Pull and hold the trigger on your Oculus controller to draw a boundary around yourself
  8. Confirm the space is large enough for you to swing without hitting the boundary

Moving home plate can only take place inside batting practice or on the virtual field.

  1. Orient your body and face the direction you want the pitcher to throw from. Once you re-center your experience, home plate will appear directly below your feet.
    NOTE: To center yourself while swinging within your guardian boundary, you will want to offset home plate to one side of your defined boundary. Offsetting home plate will allow you to center the batter’s box in your boundary.
  2. Using the right controller, hold down the Meta/Oculus button. You’ll briefly see the Meta logo appear before the WIN Reality VR experience is re-centered. Once the experience has moved, release the Meta/Oculus button.
  3. Confirm your home plate location allows you to swing without touching the guardian boundary. If the guardian boundary lines still appear while swinging, repeat the process of moving home plate.

Setting the strike zone can only take place inside batting practice or on the virtual field. Strike zone definition

  1. Calibrate your strike zone by moving the free controller into either gray sphere. The pulling the back trigger, and moving it up/down
  2. To calibrate your strike zone, move your free controller into one of the gray balls. The grey ball will light up blue. Press and hold the trigger until the ball lights up orange then move the controller up and down to set the height of your strike zone. Release the trigger to confirm the adjustment.

For instructions on casting your VR experience to other connected devices, follow the link to the support page on the Meta website.

Cast to a screen with Meta Quest